Spring and the defiance of "la Nina"
In the Lee Valley after the ascent of peak 2068m the central tower behind . Having seen this peak, the highpoint of a small subrange in the Raglans from the summit of another peak 2 years ago it was a treat to go up there this year via Hellfire creek and the Lee valley.
Spring and the defiance of "La Nina"
I must admit in taking a perverse delight in watching the the experts get it wrong again and the lovely ordered structure we as humans wish to impose on the world and universe we live in (for our own peace of mind) descend to the chaos and unpredictability which seem much closer to it’s true state.
With a large Pacific La Nina weather cycle supposed to have bought warm dry conditions especially to the West coast of the South Island this spring we have had is the exact opposite - a continual cycle of westerly storms bring a cool wet spring to us here. Credit where credits due though, I give it to the experts through the ages whether they be magicians , philosophers, high priests or indeed the scientist and technocrats of the modern age their propaganda abilities are amazing having been able to convince most that black is white and white is black and we all hang on their every forecast and prediction. Lets hope the La Nina predictions are a bit closer to the mark in summer!!
The perverse delight aside the bad spring weather hasn’t helped me much. I’ve hoped to pull some small personal victories out of the rather dismal year but planned trips to the greater Alps down south just haven’t eventuated and I’ve been confined to doing a few smaller trips to the the local ranges up north. Admittedly the weather hasn’t been the only problem - the same chaos that pervades the universe has it’s own delight at ensuring that our minute lives are just as chaotic and trying to plan accordingly is often just stabbing in the dark.
Below are a few pictures which could be called 2020 , spring reflections.
videos of these trips can now be found on You Tube - search - Tumble Home Visions
On the upper sections of Hellfire creek heading to Peak 2068m
descending into the Lee afterwards
Descending peak 2068m
Lake Sylvester
Lake Sylvester - good camping spot with kids
Carl and Leo look out towards Mount Snowden
Heading into the Seward Kaikoura range from the beach.
Dawn over the Pacific whilst climbing Mount Te Ao Whekere on the Seaward Kaikoura range.
Jack on Te Ao Whekere
On the Summit of Te Ao Whekere , the entire Inland Kaikoura range stretch’s behind me.
campsite , Te Ao Whekere
Te Ao Whekere
Mount Cupola
Summit Cupola
Human Halo shadow on top of Mount Cupola
Jack on the summit.
Ben on the summit.
View down and across whilst climbing Cupola.
Cupola hut view towards Mount Hopeless.
The Travers valley.
Kaikoura with the ranges behind rearing 2600m out of the sea. The earthquake 4 years ago lifted much of the seabed 2 meters or more exposing what lies beneath.
Leo finding a seal.
Isabelle exploring the up lifted seabed.
Seal and Pup.
West Coast scene.
West Coast Flora.
Tapuaenuku is an impressive view from the coast.