Summer and autumn - local flavors.
It’s been a settled but rather cool summer with some fairly mellow trips out and about to keep fit and motivated. Motivation and morale are key at the moment along with fitness as plans for travel back to the mountains of Asia remain on hold for probably another year at least. Fortunately for all there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel regards the current world situation. In the mean time the odd dusting of snow locally reminds us that winter has almost arrived and hopefully some more serious trips in New Zealand in the near future. Below are pictures and videos of times out and about over the last 5 months whether at work , play or with the family. (Thanks also to those not mentioned but shared these trips with me).
Kahurangi national park from Ghost Lake at dusk.
West coast waves crashing onto the beach along the Heaphy track.
Sunset at Ghost lake Hut - in the distance mountain mass of Nelson Lakes national park is evident with Mt Hopeless, Cupola, and Travers standing out clearly above the clouds.
Wild West Coast beach’s.
It was Isabelle’s plan, a family trip to stay at the rock shelters - an east summer night out.
Isabelle on a swing bridge.
Carl and Leo
Looking for berries.
Mt Owen with the spectacular Karst country below.
Natural stone arches amongst the broken rock!
What has become an annual outing - The Twins traverse on the Arthur range.
Another annual is Chittenden - the first snow showers of autumn swirl on the summit ridge.
Mountain Tarn’s provide a great campsite in the Spenser mountain’s.
Sweeping panorama of Spenser’s from high up on the ridge.
Summer flowers bloom below Glacier Gully in the Spenser Mountain’s.
Autumn color’s under Mount Angelus with the lake of the same name in the foreground. Mt Angelus is another regular all times of the year with easy access.
Perfect Rainbow to end the photo story.